Please note the points mentioned below when using infrared thermometer:
1. Distance Coefficient Proportion (D:S): This represents the proportion between the distance (from thermometer probe to target) to the diameter of the target. If the target is small and the test distance is long, please select thermometer with high distance coefficient. Note: The range of distance efficient for UNI-T infrared thermometers is between 10:1 to 50:1.
2. Emission Rate: This rate is the representation of material energy radiation. The emission rate and the surface characteristics of target material determines the corresponding wave length of spectrum of thermometer. The emission rate of alloy material with high reflectivity is low or variable. The emission rate of most organic materials, paintings or surface with oxidation treatment is about 0.95. As the emission rates of different objects are different, please adjust the emission rate to correct the measured temperature. Note: Please refer to the “Emission Rate Lists” in the user manual.