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Due to the design of the multimeter, a reference value is needed when measuring large resistance (200M) through multimeter with old design, so a resistance value will be displayed. 1M for 1999-count multimeter, 10M for 19999-count multimeter, this value should be subtracted.


The multimeter has relative measurement mode. Press REL button to enter relative mode. Take capacitance measurement as an example, when REL button is pressed, the displayed capacitance will be reset. To obtain the measured value, the open-circuit value will be subtracted by the displayed value.
Measured value = Displayed value – Open-circuit value
Note: It is recommended to perform measurement in REL mode if the measured capacitance is ≤1uF.


Because the air is moist and the moisture content in the vaseline applied on the PCB pad is increased. Please wipe out the vaseline on the PCB pad and apply new vaseline, or perform measurement when the air is dry.


Answer 1: DC and wave form are displayed on the screen, DC indicates the multimeter is in DC mode, and wave form indicates AC voltage measurement. Please press AUTO button to switch to AC mode.

Answer 2: Turn the rotary switch to corresponding measurement gear (AC or DC gear). If the measured signal is not known, please press AUTO button so as to detect the optimum test signal.


Fault code: 204. Cause: wrong calculation. Solution: operate again as per the user manual.


If the measured voltage is 100V, the actual displayed value will be between 98.8V and 101.2V.


Let low-frequency signal pass and stop high-frequency signal from passing. The cut-off frequency point of low pass filter is 1KHz, while VFC is more suitable for measurement of variable frequency. (Note: 40Hz~400Hz). Application case: The detection of inverter and motor drive.


It can measure AC voltage and AC current that are interfered by variable frequency.

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